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Guidebook for Trainees

The project produces a comprehensive E-commerce Guidebook for trainees, serving as an essential reference for those looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. This guidebook aligns with the curriculum and modules developed, addressing sectoral needs and covering critical topics. It advises trainees on how to establish their online stores, ensure customer-centric product information, expedite the shopping process, and effectively manage inventory to expand product ranges.

Additionally, it covers strategies for understanding customer demands, cost-effective advertising, finding new customers, reducing communication and installation costs, and rapidly increasing brand awareness. Emphasizing the importance of staying connected in the digital era, this guidebook introduces innovative methods to navigate and overcome business challenges. Prepared in English and translated into partner languages, it offers high transferability potential, making it a valuable resource for a wide range of stakeholders and a reference point for researchers in e-commerce.


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Writing a Book
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